Client for Remote Administrator 2.1 E-mail Download Purchase

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  2. Run "Help" => "Registration Key Request" from main menu and send request by e-mail.
  3. Receive a registration key and try program's full feature set but... up to the first upgrade and only on one PC.


The history of the program.

Some time ago I came across a remote administration program on the Internet, which was actually named Remote Administrator ( I did justice to it and used it at the office for a while. It was easy to install and use, and even allowed for remote installation without the need of coming to the userТs computer (of course, providing that you had administrative rights). Later, when our network included about a hundred computers with the Radmin server installed, it became clear that the standard address book did not suit me. I decided to write mine, and add some features to it tooЕ

After the release of the programТs first version, it was decided to go on and upgrade it to a commercial product, which would include all users' wishes.

WhatТs new in Version 2.1 (in brief)
- Polling of existing connections (ping and check of Radmin availability)
- Storage of connection passwords and their automated input
- Remote installation and administration of Radmin server
- СMapТ mode Ч showing the connections on the network or building map
- Scanning and search for new computers in the network with the possibility of port range setting for Radmin server identification

The program supports the list of locations, and each of them can contain connections as well as other locations. It is similar to files/folders structureЕ
All the information about locations and connections is stored in an INI file that is located at the program folder.
When launched, the program places its icon in the tray, which can be used for launching any connection.
The feature of automatic polling of the status of connections is realized, when the icons assume different colors depending on the poll results. It is possible to start polling manually by pressing the green ball at the left lower corner of the main window.
If you evoke the context menu, you can see the commands that can be applied to connections. These include the group of Radmin server installation and administration commands, working with MAC addresses and sending the wake signal on the network (WakeOnLan), changing the settings of the Radmin server, copying and pasting connections, etc. The most frequently used commands are shown on the toolbar as buttons.
The main screen of the program is shown below (fig.1).



The main screen of the program.

Fig.1 Main screen of the program.

Also, the program has the СMapТ mode which shows the connections on the background of the building or network map. You can always drag the icons around the map, change the scale (100% or 50%) and perform all the standard operations. You can also use the context menu to create shortcuts for starting connections in different modes (fig. 2).

Fig.2 Main screen of the program ("Map" mode).



Location properties.

Shown below is the location setting form (fig. 3). Besides the general parameters, which include the short and usual title, and the name of the graphic file that contains the map of the premises, you can see the new tabs responsible for different modes (Proxy, Polling, AutoPass and Remote control). They will be explained below, by the example of a connection.

Fig.3 Location properties.



Connection properties.

Let us move to connections now. Shown below is the connection properties card (the General tab Ч fig. 4). As you see, here it is possible to specify the main parameters that determine the name of the connection, its address and port, the MAC address that we will be used when executing the WakeOnLan command, and some other parameters required for the functioning of Remote Administrator. Besides, you can choose the default mode used for starting each connection (by double mouse click).

Fig.4 Connection properties (General parameters).



Source of settings.

The concept of source settings is introduced in the program. It means that when trying to determine the settings of a connection, the program requesting them will be redirected to its parent object Ч a location. From that point it might be also redirected to the preceding parent object Ч a location of a higher level, etc. Such an approach allows flexible tuning of entire subbranches of the location tree for certain properties of the network. This can be very helpful when the LAN of the enterprise consists of manifold segments. And settings can be administered for the entire segment at that, and all connections and sublocations can be directed to the root location of the segment.

Generally, it is possible to set one of the three different source settings for the Proxy, Polling, AutoPass, and Remote control parameter set:
- local
- parent
- global

All these parameter sets can be found in the connection or location properties as well as in the program global settings. You should only keep in memory that all the three source types coincide in the program global settings, and СlocalТ is the same as СparentТ for the root location.

Let us look closer at these parameter sets.



Proxy tab.
Here you can specify which connection should be used as a temporary crosspoint when it is impossible to establish direct connection with the node that you want. To enable this function, please check the СProxy enabledТ flag (fig. 5).

Fig.5 Connection properties (Proxy parameters).


Polling Tab.
Let us examine the Polling tab (fig. 6), that sets the mode of polling the connection. As you see, you can set the Polling mode, which can be either СPing onlyТ or СRAdmin checkТ. You can also set the number of retries and some other parameters here, that apply to the PING function and the RAdmin-server check.

Fig.6 Connection properties (Polling parameters).



AutoPass tab.
In the AutoPass tab (fig. 7) you can see how to set passwords so as to avoid manual input (the password type is determined automatically when the dialog window appears).

Fig.7 Connection properties (AutoPass parameters).



Remote Control tab.
The last tab is the СRemote controlТ one (fig. 8). First, here it is possible to specify the login name and password that will be used for access to the settings of RAdmin-server. Second, it is possible to set the number of retries when executing some remote administration functions.

Fig.8 Connection properties (Remote control parameters).



Scanning and search for new connections.
Finally, let us pay attention to the СSearch for new connectionsТ form (fig. 9).
Before scanning, you can specify the range of addresses and ports, as well as the mode of address scan and port check, determine the maximum number of scanning threads and the formation rules for names and addresses for new connections.

Fig.9 Scanning and search for new connections.

P.S. ( 07-Jul-2003) Now you can see type of security of the scanned items:

- RAdmin server without password

- RAdmin server with single password

- RAdmin server with WinNT security

- RAdmin server with unknown security (may be non-tested version of RAdmin)

You can read the rest at the Help fileЕ

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Shevchenko.


Client for Remote Administrator 2.1 E-mail Download Purchase
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